​​Prescriptions and Medication Refills

Our office is committed to providing quality care, which includes monitoring and prescribing prescription medications.  Dozens of diseases and health conditions like Thyroid, Blood Pressure, Diabetes and many other ailments often change over time.  Bloodwork and diagnostic studies are vital tools used by practitioners to determine when medications are or are not working properly.  The only way to know if a medication is working, is to test it.  Many patients remain stable on medications for months and even years without any medication change(s), but it is our responsibility to confirm that through necessary testing.  Our office will not prescribe medications to patients who have not been seen in our office for a visit with in a year.  Treatment plans are developed together in a collaborative effort between clinicians and patients.  

All prescription refill requests should be sent to us from your pharmacy.  Prescription refills can take up to 2-3 business days to be processed from our office.  We ask our patient's to be proactive in their health and make timely requests to their pharmacies a week before their medication will run out.  This will ensure ample time for prescriptions to be filled without missing any therapeutic doses. 

Below are some useful links about prescription and medication related topics that patients may find helpful: